Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pay Per Play Audio ads are Here to Stay

What gets me is that most people still watch an enormous amount of commercials and annoying banner ads which flash in loops don't cause a stir yet one 5 second ad and many are so upset. "Today's children are exposed to far more TV advertising than their parents were--up to 200 commercials a day!"

"Did you know that an average adult saw 65 more TV commercials a week, or nine more a day, in ’05 than in ’01? In ’05, the average adult saw 484 TV advertisements every week — which amount to 69 spots every day, according to the Initiative Futures Worldwide, global analysis on ‘Seeing through the clutter’. Globally, TV clutter levels are clearly on the rise, despite the emergence of new media in the digital era."

Percentage of Commercials Per Show:
2007 - 30 percent
Smallville, Heroes and House

1952 - 13 percent of the time was spent watching commercials (only 4 minutes out of every half hour!)


Even those who have Tivo still watch ads which interest them. And many people still don't and won't have Tivo:
"And even when people watch recorded shows later, many are not fast-forwarding through the ads. On average, Nielsen found, DVR owners watch 40 percent of commercials that they could skip over — perhaps because they like ads, don’t mind them or simply can’t be bothered."

Now is the time when the web publishers can get paid big like the TV ad networks: "Advertisers spent upward of $70 billion last year for their TV spots — more than in any other type of media."


I know many are skeptical and resistant to these changes. But as video exploded on the web with YouTube, audio is becoming increasingly popular. There is an opportunity for another company besides Google to gain market share in the advertising sector and the publisher and affiliate to reap the benefits. Many are tired of Adwords low pay and $100 minimum payout. As many are tired of the click fraud and low results of the so-called easy to track results Pay Per Click. It's time for a change and the time is now! Maybe all you whiners should go live in a jungle somewhere so you don't have to be exposed to any ads. Guess what? Ads are everywhere online, off line, and in print and they always will be. If you are so worried about being exposed to a 5 second audio ad maybe you should just hide out in seclusion.

It is soo true that people don’t like ads but they are necessary to inform the public about new and existing products and services which can enhance their lives and boost the economy through increased consumer spending. Look at the growth of Yuwie which grew by over 800 people today alone! One of the key reasons for their growth is the potential for a residual income from page (AND ad) views. Get a load of the flashing banners on their site! I’d take a 5 second audio ad over those any day and I’m sure many would agree.

For those complaining about not getting ads played yet… I suggest you either become part of the solution in referring advertisers to meet page load supply, be patient, or just leave.

Also I did some research on TV ads viewed and was surprised to find out that up to 40% of Tivo (etc.) users watch at least some commercials. Why? Because it was obviously interesting content. It had their attention. Net audio ads are hip, new, and attention getting with content which is relevant (interesting) to the page viewer. Very powerful!

What’s nice too is if and when the publisher starts seeing equal or greater revenue from PPP than PPC and banner ads they can free up the site space to be 100% ad free visually. This could allow for perhaps an extra blurb, a pretty picture, a flash welcome, etc. Imagine the possibilities of more visually appealing and less cluttered sites. Wow!

Changes such as PPP ofer is hard I know. And the pioneers are almost always jeered. But change can be good and lead to new opportunities, new jobs, and positive impact. Imagine the ridicule that oil companies put on solar developers. Global warming solutions… that’s another essay : )


An Overview of Pay-Per-Play Features and Benefits: